Sharing economy and disruptive innovations: the reflections of the technology in the traditional theory of the civil service and in the regulation


  • Adriana Soares de Moura CARNEIRO FAFIRE


Technological phenomena. Public service. Regulation. Adequacy.


Technological phenomena, derivatives of the economy of sharing and disruptive innovations, transform
the aspects of social life. The civil service needed adjustment in this information age, due to its traditional
conceptual and regulatory framework is confronted with the new business promoters based on technology and
information, such as Uber, WhatsApp, and Netflix. In this sense, it is investigated whether it is possible to sustain
the current outlines of civil service theory and current regulatory modeling, in the face of technological innovations
and disruptive phenomena. For this, through the literature review, it is necessary to distinguish, based on
essentiality and indispensability, universal services of the general interest. Based on this distinction, there is a
variety of legal regimes for the due legal treatment of the interactions between disruption and the civil service, due
to the impossibility of a single model, providing regulatory calibration, in view of the legally balanced coexistence
of old and new models and economic agents.

Author Biography

Adriana Soares de Moura CARNEIRO, FAFIRE

Doutora em Direito, com ênfase em Estado, Regulação e Tributação Indutora (UFPE). Mestra em Direito, com ênfase em Estado, Regulação
e Tributação Indutora (UFPE). Especialista em Direito Administrativo (UFPE). Graduada em Direito (UNICAP). Coordenadora de curso de
Direito. Professora em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação. Palestrante. Membro do Instituto dos Advogados de Pernambuco (IAP-PE).
Membro da Comissão de Direito Administrativo (OAB-PE). Experiência em advocacia empresarial, consultoria e assessoria jurídicas, e
como juíza leiga (Juizados Especiais Cíveis e das Relações de Consumo - TJPE). Endereço para acessar este CV na plataforma Lattes:



How to Cite

CARNEIRO, A. S. de M. . Sharing economy and disruptive innovations: the reflections of the technology in the traditional theory of the civil service and in the regulation. Revista Lumen, Recife, v. 30, n. 2, p. 05–24, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


