Estudo diacrônico da defectividade verbal: variáveis morfopragmáticas e fonológicas na língua portuguesa


  • Edilza de MOURA FAFIRE
  • Henrique do Nascimento GONÇALVES FAFIRE


Verbal Defectiveness. Teaching. Portuguese language. Pragmatics.


This article intends to establish a relationship between grammatical aspects and use of language with
defective verbs, by analyzing the historical reasons, structural characteristics of the defective verb, phonological and
pragmatic issues of why and how this linguistic phenomenon occurs. The study is bibliographical in nature and, to
better understand the phenomenon of defectiveness, it brings a comparative study, presenting concepts of
defectiveness found in some grammars of the Portuguese language, among which are Bechara (2017), Cunha and
Cintra (2013) and Cegalla (2020). The investigation also emphasizes that teaching needs to escape from strictly
normative standards, since the linguistic use of speakers directly interferes with the functioning of the language.

Author Biographies


Mestre em Linguística pela UFPE | professora da FAFIRE | orientadora da pesquisa.

Henrique do Nascimento GONÇALVES, FAFIRE

Graduando do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras-Português/Inglês | FAFIRE.



How to Cite

MOURA, E. de; GONÇALVES, H. do N. Estudo diacrônico da defectividade verbal: variáveis morfopragmáticas e fonológicas na língua portuguesa. Revista FAFIRE, Recife, v. 14, n. 1, p. 117–129, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 feb. 2025.