Poetic creation and apprehension of the real: prospections on the “violation of form” in Transposition (1969), by Orides Fontela
Poetic creation. Reality. Poetic discourse. Orides Fontela.Abstract
This paper aims to verify how the poetic discourse of Orides Fontela captures and transforms the real throughout the process and as a product of poetic creation. To do so, it was used some poems present in his inaugural work Transposition (1969). were used. As a theoretical contribution, in turn, there was a brief review of discussions about apprehension of the real and poetic creation (MOISÉS, 2001; PAZ, 1982) and considerations about Orides’ poetic discourse present in Lavelle et al (2019) and Castro (2015). The analysis of such poems from the aforementioned work, therefore, confirms the hypothesis that through a poetic effort that escapes the first person, Orides Fontela’s poetic discourse creates a diction with semantic consequences that reflects the poetic creation as a violent act of rupture with “reality”.