Fanfiction, statement and testimony: an intertextual relationship through the Pedagogical Residency Program


  • Henrique do Nascimento Gonçalves FAFIRE
  • Maryana Tayna Alencastro Correia FAFIRE
  • Rayane Cilene Souza Silva FAFIRE
  • Thatiana Alexandre Pereira FAFIRE
  • André Renato Mello Menezes UNINABUCO
  • Nelma Menezes Soares de Azevedo FAFIRE


Pedagogical residency program. Regency. Textual genres. Readers. Writers.


This experience report seeks to describe one of the steps carried out through the Pedagogical Residency Program by the subproject Reading and Oral and Written Textual Production in a Multiliteracies perspective of the Full Degree Course in Portuguese/English Language Arts, at Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife - FAFIRE. Observing, planning and intervening are the main proposals made by the Pedagogical Residence, with a focus on the Portuguese language. In this way, in the didactic sequence format, the regency with the fanfiction, statement and testimony textual genres was developed in the 7th grade class of Elementary School at Escola Governador Barbosa Lima, located in the neighborhood of Graças, Recife-PE. Its theoretical basis was Textual Linguistics, Marcuschi (2003), and Sociolinguistics, Reis and Magalhães (2013), since Portuguese language teaching must acquire an innovative character, with regard to the relationship between society and teaching. Therefore, the main objective of the regency in question was, through the textual genres, to contribute to the formation of readers and writers, still in basic education. The activity developed showed, as a result, a huge adherence to textual genres and in the training of new readers and writers, allowing students from the partner school to start acting and thinking critically with regard to language and society. Among the conclusions, as residents, we were able to rethink the teaching practice and the theory studied, in an integrated and contextualized way to the linguistic practices of the students.

Author Biographies

Henrique do Nascimento Gonçalves, FAFIRE

Graduando do Curso de Letras da Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife–FAFIRE–PE | bolsista CAPES.

Maryana Tayna Alencastro Correia, FAFIRE

Graduanda do Curso de Letras da Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife–FAFIRE–PE | bolsista CAPES.

Rayane Cilene Souza Silva , FAFIRE

Graduanda do Curso de Letras da Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife–FAFIRE–PE | bolsista CAPES.

Thatiana Alexandre Pereira, FAFIRE

Graduanda do Curso de Letras da Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife–FAFIRE–PE | bolsista CAPES.

André Renato Mello Menezes, UNINABUCO

Preceptor dos Residentes e pós-graduado em Gestão Educacional pela UNINABUCO

Nelma Menezes Soares de Azevedo, FAFIRE

Professora orientadora: Mestre em Educação, Culturas e Identidades - UFRPE.



How to Cite

DO NASCIMENTO GONÇALVES, H.; ALENCASTRO CORREIA, M. T.; SOUZA SILVA , R. C. .; ALEXANDRE PEREIRA, T. .; MELLO MENEZES, A. R. .; MENEZES SOARES DE AZEVEDO, N. Fanfiction, statement and testimony: an intertextual relationship through the Pedagogical Residency Program. Revista Lumen, Recife, v. 31, n. 2, p. 126–137, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.


