O amor não tem bons sentimentos: what can psychoanalysis say?


  • Bruna Rafaele Calasans LEONCIO FAFIRE
  • Larissa Gabrielly Sousa dos SANTOS FAFIRE
  • Fernanda Wanderley Correia de Andrade ANDRADE FAFIRE


O amor não tem bons sentimentos. Literature. Psychoanalysis. Psychosis.


This article aims to reflect on the madness of the main character Mateus, in O amor não tem bom
sentimentos (2007), by the writer from Pernambuco Raimundo Carrero, from a Psychoanalytical approach. Such perspective seeks to oppose the biomedical logic of Classical Psychiatry, going beyond organic causes, with regard to the explanation of madness. It prioritizes the vicissitudes of primary relationships as a key point for a healthy subjective constitution (or not), focusing mainly on the nuances of the mother-infant bond, which needs to be mediated by a third party, in order to become subjects interdicted to maternal enjoyment. This symbolic cutting operation (castration) may never have happened to the character in question, who seeks to recreate his painful reality at every moment, based on his relationship with the absolute Other. This may have triggered the clinical picture of psychosis as an alternative for Mateus to support his psychic suffering, deliriously reshaping the intolerable reality. To theoretically support this hypothesis, we carried out an analysis of the literary work, combining it with bibliographical research in the field of psychoanalysis, thus contemplating previous studies on the subject of psychosis. Therefore, this article can contribute to the human sciences - mainly
Psychology/Psychoanalysis - as it emphasizes literature as a tool for scientific work. Thus, this work can be used as a reference in the sense of using literary works for the construction of clinical reasoning. 

Author Biographies

Bruna Rafaele Calasans LEONCIO, FAFIRE

Graduanda em Psicologia | Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife | FAFIRE.

Larissa Gabrielly Sousa dos SANTOS, FAFIRE

Graduanda em Psicologia | Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife | FAFIRE.


Mestre em Educação | UFPE | Especialista em Cultura Pernambucana | FAFIRE | professora da FAFIRE | orientadora deste trabalho.

Fernanda Wanderley Correia de Andrade ANDRADE, FAFIRE

Doutora em Psicologia Cognitiva | UFPE | professora da FAFIRE | psicóloga clínica do CAPSi-CEMPI | coorientadora deste trabalho.



How to Cite

LEONCIO, B. R. C.; SANTOS, L. G. S. dos; LOURENÇO DE SÁ, A. P. .; ANDRADE, F. W. C. de A. O amor não tem bons sentimentos: what can psychoanalysis say?. Revista Lumen, Recife, v. 31, n. 1, p. 33–53, 2022. Disponível em: https://fafire.emnuvens.com.br/lumen/article/view/74. Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.


